
Natural Resource

The Tibetan Plateau: A Solution to the Global Climate Crisis

As world leaders prepare to gather in Glasgow for the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), arguably the biggest annual summit on climate change, Tibetans are once again warning the the United Nations, that…

CTA launches COP25: Climate Action for Tibet Campaign

Dharamshala: Ahead of the COP25 UN Climate Summit to be held in Spain on December 2 -13, 2019, the Central Tibetan Administration launched the 2nd ‘Climate Action for Tibet: The Earth’s Third Pole’ campaign, urging the world leaders…

TIBET: Time to Declare a Climate Emergency

By Michael Buckley On Friday, September 20 and 27, students around the world will strike for climate crisis action — joined by adults — with protests planned for hundreds of cities around the world. Tibet…

Sustainability practice

Sustainability has been defined and practiced for at least 30 years.  How relevant is its practice today to the readership of Lha’sContact Magazine (Contact) and Tibet Nature Environmental Conservation Network website (TNECN)? This article defines…

Saving our soils

Soil is a mixture of minerals, organic matter, liquids, gases and organisms that together support life. It is a major part of the earth’s ecosystem (Soil, Wikipedia). How well is this life-giving resource saved in…

Improving our water quality

Water is precious. And its quality is as important for our survival as its quantity. Many recent Lha articles have been about the quantity of water. Either about water exploitation or misuse of water resources,…