
Connection People to nature

Karma Tenzin; 2nd position. Advanced class.

There is no sentient being who is disconnected from nature. But in this modern day, despite the technological advances and scientific 18766678_10213685320225508_7734912871780729788_oinventions that make us believe that we have nothing in common with the rest of animal kingdom. We are still part of the planet’s fauna, whether we realize it or not.  And we mostly think that humanities main achievement was the invention of a technological specification tools for farming agriculture.

We human beings are dependent on nature and must pay attention to the changes of its course. Now, with technological revolutions and discoveries that make up our history, we seem to pay little attention to nature getting more and more disconnected from us every day. But, the link we have with nature cannot disappear and we can’t live without it. There are a number of key reasons in favor of the concept that people should try to connect with nature more than they do today.

Nature has historically been the home for human beings just like it remains a home for animals and plants with the exception of those that are kept in zoos and green houses. And also nature is able to show us true beauty without any modification or exaggeration. That’s why we call nature’s beauty is essential to every sentient being. And also human beings have lived in nature for most of their long history. Even after colonization into cities occurred, people were surrounded by nature in the fields and farms where they lived and associated. But, we human play a vital role in nature just like everything else. What separates us from nature is the ability to understand our place within it. This cognitive capacity of ours has historically been the cause of a perceived division between man and nature. However, in order to achieve a sustainable future in which humans assume a more natural role and have less of an impact, it is imperative that we consider our role and relationship with the beautiful nature. We think that nature has obvious political, economical and social repercussions, but our cognitive ability obliges us to reevaluate our position in the world rather than continue to degrade it. And also, there are a number of ways in which we can begin to reconsider our relationship with and connection to nature. But, all of which requires an enormous effort and attention to and care for our beautiful nature. Therefore, it is very important for people to see that nature is a necessity and that we are responsible for protecting it. Even the global economy today is overwhelming the ability of earth to maintain life’s abundance, because of this we are doing something terribly wrong to our mother nature, at this critical time in history, we need to reorient ourselves in how we relate to each other and to the earth. We wonder only through the economy development. To change that we need a new mass movement that bears witness to a right way of living on our finite, life- giving planet. So, that’s why we all have duty to save, care and pay attention to our beautiful mother nature with whom we need to live in this world.

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